Press Releases

CMA Marks 30th Anniversary by Installing One of the First Flash and Software-defined Storage Systems in the US
Published on
June 12, 2019

Baton Rouge, LA – June 17, 2014CMA Technology Solutions this month celebrates 30 years of providing leading-edge IT solutions to organizations across the Gulf Coast in the construction, financial, health care, education, gaming and public sector industry. CMA installed the IBM FlashSystem V840 in May for a banking customer in Arkansas – one of the first installations of its kind in the U.S.

The FlashSystem V840, a new IBMenterprise performance solution, combines flash storage technology and software virtualization in one, integrated solution that improves storage capability and accelerates critical business applications.

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“Spinning disks will become obsolete as solid state storage devices, like the V840 FlashSystem, become more desirable – they’re faster, more cost-efficient and have more storage capacity while decreasing power consumption,” said Dave Renoud, Executive Vice President of Technical Services at CMA. “In an industry that’s always evolving and progressing, we monitor emerging technologies so we can give our customers reliable solutions instead of just temporary fads.”

“It’s hard to grasp where the technology industry is today when I remember where we started 30 years ago,” said Ben Cherbonnier, Founder and President of CMA, “I’m amazed of what we’ve accomplished. It’s been a tremendous adventure, but I didn’t do it alone - the key is to hire good people - people that are smarter than you. The truth is, CMA is a people company that deals with a highly technical subject matter - our customers know they can rely on a friendly face.”

CMA’s 60-member team offers unique insight to customers, helping them make smart, informed business decisions to meet their specific goals and budget requirements.

“Every customer is different – we take the time to learn about their business,” Cherbonnier said, “We go in to consult, not to sell a specific product; then we design the best solution based on their environment. Our goal is that our customers experience a whole new level of productivity and efficiency, and hopefully, the result is a lasting partnership.”

Reflecting on CMA’s 30th anniversary, Chad LeMaire, CEO of CMA said, “CMA is bigger than any one person because we’ve built a company on people and around people. We always do the right thing - for our customers, employees and families, but the right thing and the easy thing are often not the same.”

On moving forward in the IT industry, “It’s amazing to think how much technology has progressed in the last 30 years, but our industry is always changing – that’s what makes our business exciting,” said Lewis Hannaman, Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing at CMA. “Our customers will experience dramatic change over the next 24 months as we continue to shift workloads to the cloud - CMA will be there to help our customers through this major transition.”

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About CMA Technology Solutions

CMA uses today’s technologies to solve customers’ complex business problems.

Ben Cherbonnier founded Cherbonnier, Mayer & Associates Inc. in 1984 and merged forces with Business Computer Logistics in 1998 to create CMA Technology Solutions. As an IBM Premier Business Partner and Microsoft Gold Partner, CMA has been advancing businesses throughout the Gulf Coast with innovative IT solutions for 30 years. CMA provides software and consulting-based services, such as managed services, cloud and data backup services, in addition to installing, configuring and migrating simple, smart and reliable IT solutions. Headquartered in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, CMA also operates satellite offices in New Orleans, Alabama, Mississippi and East Texas. CMA also partners with Brocade, Cisco, EMC, NetApp and others.

CMA, along with its partner, Venyu Solutions, is in the June issue of IBM Systems Magazine, Power Systems edition. The featured article details how CMA and Venyu bring disaster recovery and cloud technology to New Orleans Cold Storage.

For more information, please contact CMA here.

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